Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Bias of History

The Cuban education system is without a doubt very successful. While their counterparts in many parts of the world are barely learning the basics of language and arithmetic, Cuban children are taught advanced concepts early on. Cuba is one of the most literate nations in the world.

When it comes to math, reading, writing and science, Cuba is no doubt ahead. However, when it comes to history, the textbooks are undoubtedly biased. History textbooks in Cuba are mere propaganda for the Cuban Revolution. One clear example is the unabashed linking of one of Cuba's greatest patriots, José Martí with the Revolution and Communism. Not only was Martí born over a hundred years before Fidel ever entered Havana with his troops, but he was also completely and totally anti-Communist. But alas, Martí is long gone and dead men can't defend themselves. Sadly his legacy has been used by Fidel, as he has used many other heroes of the past.

While the education in Cuba is wonderful overall, it has its obvious and glaring biases.


  1. Wow, what an interesting post! That's so different than my experience growing up here in America. Thanks for sharing and helping us learn about your culture.

  2. Hey man I liked this post alot. First that is excellent that Cuba takes its education seriously and about the history part i couldn't agree more. It's funny how history for some reason seems to find a away to welcome biased teachings. I myself have noticed this in American text books on the Mexican and American war and the battle of the Alamo as well with the Zoot Suite Riots in 1943. but again thank you for posting and excellent point.

  3. I had no idea Cuban education was so progressive. On the subject of history, I am reminded of Star Trek: The Next Generation when Worf comments, "Gowron is busy re-writing Klingon history." Sad that it's not just a science fiction concept after all.
