Saturday, September 29, 2012

One Side

Being a journalist in Cuba is no more than being a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. The government controls all the information, thus it controls newspapers and TV stations. Whatever little information the people actually receive, its been filtered and diluted. Journalists, then are no more than parrots.

This class would be very different in Cuba. All our Internet searches, for those lucky to access it, would be controlled and limited. If anyone searches or expresses an opinion other than that of the government, their careers is not the only thing at stake.

The official Cuban newspaper is called Granma. The link is below:


  1. Wow, this is really interesting! It's amazing how little freedom Cuban journalists have in comparison to American journalists. Really great post and thanks for providing the link!

  2. oh man that is crazy, I can't imagine the being the field of journalism under those circumstances..It makes you think. but thanks for posting for sure!
