Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Best of Both Worlds

I grew up in Cuba until I was 11 years old. Although the Castro regime has oppressed my people for over five decades, Cuba is still a beautiful island. Havana is one of those cities, like Paris, that you fall in love with and can never get out of your head.

When I left Cuba, I lived in Miami, Florida. South Florida is very different from most parts of the United States. Over half of the population is Hispanic, with Cubans making the majority of it. With that said, I never lost my first language. I speak and write Spanish as well as I speak and write English.

I can speak to my wife in English and then seamlessly speak to my mother in Spanish. I like living in these two worlds. I am fully Cuban, but I am also fully American. I love and hate things from both cultures. I can eat rice and beans one day and chicken pot pie the next. And I wouldn't have it any othe way.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Embargo

The embargo of the United States against Cuba has been in place since 1960. There are many and very vocal opponents of the embargo who claim that it should be lifted. They support their claim with the fallacy that by lifting the embargo, the people of Cuba would know what they are missing out on. In other words, if the United States allows an influx of cash to flow to Cuba, then the people would want democracy.

This is ridiculous because the real embargo is that of Castro's regime against the people of Cuba. For over 50 years, top government officials have lived lives of kings and movie stars, while the population has starved. The people don't need the embargo lifted to know the things they already know. The lifting of the embargo would only serve to support and strengthen the Cuban economy, which would only prolong the length of the regime.

The embargo should only be lifted the day Cuba holds open and pluralistic elections. Until then, there's nothing else to talk about.